Dates Used In Daniel and Revelation

Dates in Daniel


722 BC - Israel conquered by Assyria.

623 BC - Birth of Daniel.

605 BC - Death of Nabopolassar.

605 BC - First year of  Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon 605-539 BC

605 BC - First fall of Jerusalem to Babylon. Daniel 1:1.

605 BC - The start of the 70 year prophecy of Jeremiah. Jeremiah 25:11-13; 29:10-14

604 BC - The second year of Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel 2:1

598 BC - Second fall of Jerusalem to Babylon.

594 BC - Fourth year of Zedekia of Israel. Possibly the year of Daniel 3.

586 BC - Third, and last, fall of Jerusalem to Babylon.

568 BC - Nebuchadnezzars dream of the great tree. Daniel 4.

562 BC - Death of Nebuchadnezzar.

555 BC - Nabonidus - king of Babylon, Belshazzars father.

553 BC - Nabonidus makes Belshazzar co-ruler.

550 BC - 1st year of Belshazzar. Daniel 7:1

548 BC - 3rd year of Belshazzar. Daniel 8:1

547 BC - Cyrus conquers Lydia.

539 BC - Belshazzar's feast. Daniel 5

539 BC - Medo-Persia conquers Babylon. 539-332 BC

538 BC - First year of Cyrus. Daniel 1:21

538 BC - The first year of Darius the Mede.  Daniel 6 & 9:1

537 BC - Decree of Cyrus to allow the Jews to return to Israel. Ezra 1:1-4

537 BC - 70 year prophecy of Jeremiah nearing its end.

536 BC - Third year of Cyrus. Daniel 10:1 (Covers chps. 11-12)

530 BC - Cambyses - son of Cyrus. 530-522 BC.

522 BC - Smerdes the Imposter.

522 BC - Darius the great - Darius Hystaspes. 522-486 BC.

519/518 BC - Decree of Darius I to rebuild temple in Jerusalem. Ezra 6:1-12

515 BC - Temple in Jerusalem completed in 6th year of Darius I.

486 BC - Reign of Ahasueres - Xerxes I. 486-465 BC

465 BC - Xerxes murdered.

465 BC - Artaxerxes Accession year. 465 BC - 423 BC

464 BC - First regnal year of Artaxerxes.

457 BC - 7th year of Artaxerxes. Ezra 7:7. Start of 70 weeks prophecy and 2300 days prophecy of Daniel 8:14

444 BC - 20th year of Artaxerxes. Second order to rebuild Jerusalem. Nehemiah 2:1

408 BC - End of the first 7 weeks of 70 week prophecy. Daniel 9:25

336 BC - Darius III. 336 BC - 331 BC

334 BC - Alexander defeats Medo-Persia at Granicius.

333 BC - Alexander defeats Medo-Persia at Issus.

331 BC - Greece conquers Medo-Persia at Arbela. 331-168 BC

323 BC - Death of Alexander the Great of Greece.

301 BC - Greece divided between four generals - Lysimachus - North - Thrace, Asia;

Cassander - West - Macedonia, Athens;                            

Selucus - East - Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia; 

Ptolemy - South - Egypt, Palestine.

190 BC – Rome defeats Antiochus the Great of Syria

168 BC - Rome conquers Greece by defeating the Macedonians at the battle of Pydna. 168 BC - 476 AD

167 BC - 164 BC Desecration of temple by Antiochus Epiphanes. Lived 215-164BC reigned in Syria 175-164 BC. Under control of Rome.

161 BC - Jews enter into league with Romans.

65 BC - Rome conquers Syria.

63 BC - Rome conquers Palestine.

31 BC - Caesar Agustus begins to rule.

30 BC - Rome conquers Egypt.

4 BC - Approximate birth date of Jesus.

14 AD - Caesar Agustus dies.

14 AD - Tiberius begins to reign.

26 AD - Pontius Pilate become procurator of Jerusalem.  26AD-36 AD.      

27 AD - Baptism of Jesus,15th year of Tiberius. Luke 3:5 End of the 69 weeks of 70 week prophecy. 1 week left for Israel to repent and submit to Jesus.

31 AD - The death of the Messiah. Middle of the 70 th week. Daniel 9:27

34 AD - Stoning of Stephen, Scattering of Christians, Gospel to the Gentiles. End of the 70 week prophecy.

306 AD - Constantine begins his reign. 306 - 337 AD.

330 AD - Constantine moves government to Constantinople.

382 AD – Title of Pontifex Maximus is relinquished by Emperor Gratian and accepted by the Bishop of Rome and held to this day.

476 AD - Fall of western Rome, divided into ten parts. Lombards, Alemanni, Franks, Bergundians, Suevi, Vandals, Visigoths, Anglo-Saxons, Ostrogoths, Heruli.

493 AD - Heruli destroyed.

508 AD - Pope empowered and begins to alter the daily of the sanctuary.

533 AD - Justinian officiallly declares the pope head of all the church.

534 AD - Vandals destroyed.

538 AD – March 538 Belisarius breaks the Ostrogoth’s  hold on Rome. Last Arian nation blocking the establishment of the papacy has been plucked up and the papacy established as the head of the church.

In addition the Papacy established a sunday law in Orleans France declaring their ability to nullify the fourth commandment by a decree of their own, showing their perception of power to change th laws of God. Daniel 7:25

538 AD - Start of the 1260 day prophecy. Papacy confirmed as ruler.

1517 AD - Martin Luther teaches righteousness by faith.

1545 AD - Council of Trent. 1545 AD - 1563 AD

1798 AD - The end of the 1260 day prophecy and the 1298 day prophecy of Daniel 12:11-12.

1843 AD - The end of the 1335 day prophecy of Daniel 12:11-12

1844 AD - The end of the 2300 day prophecy. Daniel 8:14



Dates in Revelation


457 BC – 34 AD 70 Week Prophecy – The first 490 years of the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel 8:14

457 BC – 1844 AD – 2300 day/years of the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel 8:14

168 BC – 476 AD Pagan Roman Empire

4 BC – John the Baptist born 6 months before Jesus

4 BC – The Birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth – born in Bethlehem

14 AD - Caesar Agustus dies.

14 AD - Tiberius Caesar begins to reign.

26 AD - Pontius Pilate become procurator of Jerusalem.  26AD-36 AD.      

27 AD - Baptism of Jesus,15th year of Tiberius. Luke 3:5 End of 69 weeks of 70 week prophecy. 1 week/7 years left for Israel.

31 AD - The death of the Messiah. Middle of the 70 th week. Daniel 9:27

34 AD - Stoning of Stephen, Scattering of Christians, Gospel to the Gentiles. End of the 70 week prophecy.

67 AD – The approximate date of Paul’s death. Estimates are 64-68AD      

306 AD - Constantine begins his reign. 306 - 337 AD.

330 AD - Constantine moves government to Constantinople.

382 AD – Title of Pontifex Maximus is relinquished by Emperor Gratian and accepted by the Bishop of Rome and held to this day.

476 AD - Fall of western Rome, divided into ten parts. Lombards, Alemanni, Franks, Bergundians, Suevi, Vandals, Visigoths, Anglo-Saxons, Ostrogoths, Heruli.

493 AD - Heruli destroyed.

508 AD - Pope empowered and begins to alter the daily of the sanctuary.

533 AD - Justinian officiallly declares the pope head of all the church.

534 AD - Vandals destroyed.

538 AD – March 538 Belisarius breaks the Ostrogoth’s  hold on Rome. Last Arian nation blocking the establishment of the papacy has been plucked up and the papacy established as the head of the church.

538 AD - Start of the 1260 day prophecy. Papacy confirmed as ruler.

1517 AD - Martin Luther teaches righteousness by faith.

1545 AD - Council of Trent. 1545 AD - 1563 AD

1798 AD - The end of the 1260 day prophecy and the 1298 day prophecy of Daniel 12:11-12.

1843 AD - The end of the 1335 day prophecy of Daniel 12:11-12

1844 AD - The end of the 2300 day prophecy. Daniel 8:14

1863 AD – The formal establishment of the SDA church